!±8±Poulan Pro PR624ES 24-Inch 208cc LCT Gas Powered Two-Stage Snow Thrower With Electric Start 961920037
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$699.00 Post Date : Oct 06, 2011 07:25:08
Usually ships in 24 hours
Poulan Pro 208cc 24-inch electric start 2 Stage Snow Thrower PR624ES. Poulan Pro snow throwers are built like a tank and balanced for heavy snow. Easy out of the box set up (10 minutes), Long life and easy to service. Ergonomic handle and easy to use controls that have a single motion. High performance auger/impeller with a high velocity discharge. Super-slow speed for heavy and deep snow. Optimized styling / high performance skid adjustment and single motion chute adjustment control. The Poulan Pro PR624ES includes the following specifications: OHV LCT Engine. 12-by-12-inch diameter auger/impeller. Plow style. Standard speed drive. 23-inch intake height. Interlock. Optional drift cutter and weight bar. 13-by-5-inch wheels. It also features hassle-free electric start, headlight and single hand interlock, which is ideal for cold weather conditions.
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